Life is the most complicated, yet the most beautiful gift we have received. Learning how to master it raises to me tons of daily questions that sometimes remain unanswered and other times, like now, find their answers. I've never considered myself a courageous person....
The Fear of Living a Courageous Life
We carry within us too many fears. Fears that don't allow us to live fully, entirely, (w)holly. We over-analyse every decision we want to make and step back because it might not be the right one. We are terrified to make mistakes. To pay the cost of our joy, wildness,...
How personal is your social media profile?
Nowadays we all have the chance to influence others and to spread out meaningful knowledge and personal learning experiences on social media that can make the world a better place – more conscious, kinder, braver, and wiser. Yet, there are only a few people who do...
Brené Brown: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count/ VIDEO
She delivered a talk that became the 4th most watched TED video in the world, generating over 23 million views and 1800 comments. She is the author of three New York Times Bestsellers: Rising Strong, Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection. Yes, I'm talking...
Interview with Paul Olteanu: We just have to learn to navigate the rough patches with greater ability and calm and to enjoy the good ones with more mindfulness.
Paul has been working in personal and organizational development for nine years and currently he runs training and coaching programmes with knowledge based on neuroscience, human personality theory and transformational coaching. He is certified in the Process...
Despre a invata sa fii bine in doi
Nu mi-a vorbit nimeni despre cat de dificil este sa construiesti constient o relatie de cuplu sanatoasa. Imi amintesc ca-mi spunea mama: "Trebuie sa faci compromisuri pentru ca niciun barbat nu-i perfect si tu esti o dificila!" Cred ca ii intelegeam punctul de vedere,...