Yesterday I shared on Facebook some posts on this topic, among which one was initially published by Action for Happiness, one of my favorite Facebook pages on happiness. These guys are such great promoters of positivity science based articles and practical positive acts.
I wouldn’t have shared news about the International Day of Happiness if I hadn’t been myself a huge supporter of happiness and well-being. I am consciously working to transform negative thoughts into positive ones as much as I can. Of course, some moments are negative and there’s nothing to analyse about that. I take them as they are, try to learn something from them, and then come back to faith, dreams and positive beliefs and keep moving. Because constant negative thoughts would never bring positive outcomes, isn’t it? For a positive life, start with positive thoughts.
Today is a good day to remember to be kind to ourselves and others and do little good things that make our heart smile. Here’s a list of kind acts suggested. Personally I chose to donate 5 euro to Wikipedia and I kept giving some smiles to those around me.
My ideal world is one of people who feel alive, childish and jolly often! Here is a song I would like you to listen to and feel alive!
The International Day of Happines should only remember us that we don’t need one single day for not forgetting to be positive and maybe happy, but we have to try to be like that each and every day. The same goes for Valentine’s Day and all other “days” out there.