I wish I lived in a more emphatic world where people would care more and would know how and when to share their affection towards others. Today was another wake up call for me to pay more attention to people’s needs. I tried to stay strong and independent in every possible way, especially during the last 6 weeks, and tonight I got tired, I couldn’t cope with my thoughts and emotions anymore. Tired of thinking positively, hoping that good things will come to me, hard work will pay off, looking for the good in myself and in others.
The reality takes the place of imagination and stays there no matter how many positive affirmations I say to myself, how much water I drink, how fun time I have with a friend and for how long I meditate. Tonight I allow myself to stay negative and to share a non-positive text. I am tired of rejections, of constantly restless ideas that I have, of uncertainty and lack of stability, of haters and ignorants who don’t give a shit on my work and emotions I shakily share on public.
I want you to know that the emotions and the work you put out there matter. And staying with people when they need the most – that makes all the difference! But in order to be there, you have to know when your presence and support are really needed.
So open your eyes widely and see who needs you now. Really. Look around you. If you live alone, call a friend and ask if he/she needs something. Think of a person that trusted you lately and shared a personal story with you and ask yourself what you could do to make his/her life better.
People, we are humans! We need encouragement, we need affection, we need kindness, we need others to be there for us when we can’t make it alone. Because sometimes it’s impossible to stay strong and independent 24/7. We live in the same world so we should learn to exchange kindness, support, compassion, encouragement and love more often.
Give a hug from the bottom of your heart. Offer your time. Listen! Listen without interruption. See the light in others and express it out loud.
The world needs more of this kind of people.