Behind the Scenes of a Successful and Young Dutch Entrepreneur

Behind the Scenes of a Successful and Young Dutch Entrepreneur

Many people want to become entrepreneurs, yet little do they know about what it takes to get there. This talk unfolds a part of the story of Sander Koppelaar, an inspiring entrepreneur who lives in Amsterdam and who has travelled the world to discover new cultures and...
Find the Beauty in Gratitude

Find the Beauty in Gratitude

“I truly believe we can either see the connections, celebrate them, and express gratitude for our blessings, or we can see life as a string of coincidences that have no meaning or connection. For me, I’m going to believe in miracles, celebrate life,...
Marie Forleo & Elizabeth Gilbert: When Creativity Conquers Fear

Marie Forleo & Elizabeth Gilbert: When Creativity Conquers Fear

  I’m crazy in love with learning about life management. When I was little, I used to enjoy reading fables and watching inspirational videos. I then started to read psychology and self-help books, attend soft-skills training and conferences and have deep...

Becoming a Whole-Hearted Warrior

Life is the most complicated, yet the most beautiful gift we have received. Learning how to master it raises to me tons of daily questions that sometimes remain unanswered and other times, like now, find their answers. I’ve never considered myself a courageous...

The Fear of Living a Courageous Life

We carry within us too many fears. Fears that don’t allow us to live fully, entirely, (w)holly. We over-analyse every decision we want to make and step back because it might not be the right one. We are terrified to make mistakes. To pay the cost of our joy,...

11 insights into the Dutch culture and lifestyle in Amsterdam

I spent 8 days in the capital of the Netherlands, exploring the city from South to North and East to West, by foot, bike and tram and working from a hub in the heart of the city. After long one-to-one conversations with locals and expats and daily observations on life...

How personal is your social media profile?

Nowadays we all have the chance to influence others and to spread out meaningful knowledge and personal learning experiences on social media that can make the world a better place – more conscious, kinder, braver, and wiser. Yet, there are only a few people who do...

Brené Brown: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count/ VIDEO

She delivered a talk that became the 4th most watched TED video in the world, generating over 23 million views and 1800 comments. She is the author of three New York Times Bestsellers: Rising Strong, Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection. Yes, I’m talking...

Authentic Conversation with Alexandra Ştef – Part II

The first part of the conversation can be read here. Part II. On how to maintain enthusiasm, the importance of critical thinking, and a confession of the greatest dream. What triggered the moment of transformation, the moment you decided that depression should be...

Authentic Conversation with Alexandra Ştef – Part I

Part I. On Romanian social projects that matter, and one of her hardest life moments. Romanian-born, at 8 years old she followed her parents to Venezuela where they went on to live for 14 years. She holds a Master in Political Science and International Affairs from...

Despre a invata sa fii bine in doi

Nu mi-a vorbit nimeni despre cat de dificil este sa construiesti constient o relatie de cuplu sanatoasa. Imi amintesc ca-mi spunea mama: “Trebuie sa faci compromisuri pentru ca niciun barbat nu-i perfect si tu esti o dificila!” Cred ca ii intelegeam...

5 Reasons Why I Love Barcelona

First time I travelled solo to Barcelona, I spent 5 full crazy days and nights that led to a promise to myself to live there and work in one of the 2 high towers near the Mediterranean sea. Exactly one year later, I had started my traineeship in a company at the 21st...

When Less is More

End of July 2014. All my clothes are freshly washed and ironed, waiting to be put on hangers and nicely arranged for customers. Alright, not all of them, I kept my favorite ones enough to fill in a small luggage. Me and my friend create outfits, take pictures and post...

How to Live an Entire Life on Auto-Pilot

The first 20-25 years of our life we spend studying. We want to achieve lots of knowledge so formal education is the way most of us know that will help us accomplish this goal. Others attend informal education courses. Most of the time we read books, do lots of...

Nothing Special – a Personal Story and a Zen Book Review

There’s something about Barcelona that made me feel happy for no reason. Or maybe there’s nothing about the city, but the mental point I’ve reached – being happy, not for achieving a goal, but simply for being alive. I’ve thought that...

A Short Letter to Life

Dear life, You are kind to me. It’s true that I didn’t leave you alone and learned in my own rhythm and way to cherish you. As much as my ego would love to take all the credit for the peaceful and grateful moments I live now, I know deep down that I am not...

Redefining Friendship

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. ” – Unknown I believe that people should express more often what they stand for – for what they know and believe in today. Too...

How to Be 10% Happier?

It all started on March 8th when I grabbed my bag and decided to leave my shady studio for another place, somewhere under the Barcelona sunlight where I knew I feel relaxed enough to read my book. A few nights ago I walked around Passeig de Colom and found this quiet...